Your Guide to Dental and Overall Wellness

Meet Our Providers

Dr. Cantwil and Dr. Bowden take great pride in helping their patients and value a strong rapport with them. Our patients know that they will always be available for questions or concerns about their dental health.

James K Cantwil, DDS

Alexander B Bowden, DDS

Meet the Team

Top 10 Reasons


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Welcome to the practice of James K. Cantwil, D.D.S.

Since 1988, the dental office of James K. Cantwil, DDS has practiced unwavering commitment to improving our patients' oral health and well-being.

Our philosophy is simple: we provide care that has long-term value for our patients. We invest the time and expertise needed to deliver high-quality treatments, thorough cleanings, and ensure patient comfort. Our goal is not just to meet your immediate dental needs but to support your ongoing oral health journey.

Our dentists, Dr. James Cantwil and Dr. Alexander Bowden, believe that dental health is closely intertwined with overall health. Along with our team, their goal is to ensure that our patients receive the best possible care that not only addresses their dental needs but also contributes to their overall well-being.

Our commitment to excellence means we continually strive to meet and exceed your expectations. Our goal is to leave you with a healthy smile and the confidence that comes with it. When you choose James K. Cantwil, DDS, you're choosing a partner in your journey to optimal oral health.

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American Dental Association Michigan Dental Association Oral Cancer Foundation Human Society of Genesee County